Thursday, July 5, 2007

Doa untuk semua UMAT ISLAM..SEBARKAN!!

"Please don't break or putuskan mail ni... Keep on fowarding to ur friends insyallah aminkan doa kita ini. On this good day, I would like to suggest a diversion of this 'email not broken'. How about we make a doa' for our suffering Muslims ummah in Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir and anywhere else around the globe?If each of us make a doa' and send this friendly reminder to other muslims, just imagine how much good deeds we will receive (without realising so). "Ya Allah, selamatkanlah umat Islam yg sedang sengsara di Palestin, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya serta diseluruh pelosok dunia...mkbulkan doa kami ini ya allah...amin ya rabbil'aalamin

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